Sunday, June 28, 2009

Is progress necesarily beneficial for the society?

If it is me I think that it can be agree or disagree. But most of it is agree, so today I discuss Progress is necessarily beneficial for society. I take this novel, Village by the Sea’s example to prove.

First of all is Biju’s boat which is beneficial for everyone. He gives everyone chances to have a job. This not only benefit to the villagers, but also to the village. The villagers also can use their some part of their earning to build better houses which also make the village look better.

The news of the factory is going to build in the village is also good. The villagers can start their own grocer or market to sell to the workers, the villagers may have more customers than before and they can earn more.

Finally, this is the important one, if there was nobody is going to send Hari’s mother to see a doctor, then his mother will be very ill and eventually she will die. If there are no hospitals, it is also going to happen the same thing. It is very Lucky that Aligbah has a hospital.

There are many changes of the villagers in the book, they started a better life and having a good job with enough income to support the family.

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