Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Scalling one peak after another

The Straits Time 28 February2009(Friday)

Miss Oh ,38 with a sickness, cerebral palsy cause her brain damage. Miss Oh chooses not to live in self pity but to fulfill her dreams. Her disability has made her a target for cruel jokes and taunts. In 2005, she successfully climbed Mount Kinabalu in East Malaysia, which 4095m at above sea level ,also is the highest mountain in South East Asia. Last December, she scaled another peak when the story of her life became a book.

She said: 'If you think you are useless, you are useless' My point of view to this phrase is meaningful. This phrase tells us to motivate ourselves, aim and achieve our goals, our dream. Do not give even though the way is tough. we must continue, have the attitude of perseverance .This phrase is not only for people who is disable, this phrase is for everyone of us. Go to achieve of our goal!

We think that we are useless. Why? What thing cause us to think we are useless? The answer is fear, we are not brave to challange ourselves. Fear,that cause us so weak, not daring to aim for our goals. Therefore, find a way overcome our fears, turn over a new leaf.

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